I've never been a big blogger, but as we are learning in the Game Art program of Ringling College of Art and Design how to document every step of the creative process, I suppose this is a good thing.
Recent events in my life are me finishing my concept art for a game project. My art didn't get picked for the final project(we each thought up an idea for a space that we can walk through, and then based on everyone's ideas we chose one) but I am still extremely happy with my piece as it is probably some of the best art I've created yet(not really saying much, as this is the idea behind going to school, to get better at something) so I suppose I'll share it now:
Also, as a project for my Game Design class dictates we learn "One New Thing" that we haven't ever done, I decided I would learn how to be a Turntablist. For those who don't know, Turntablism is the art of getting source music and sounds AKA Samples and scratching them to produce new music. This is clearly different than DJing as a DJ only plays music that they or someone else produces and playing it in front of a crowd such as a party etc. I have already bought a set of digital turntables(they will be arriving in the mail shortly). I know, this isn't ideal for scratching, but as I live in a cramped room with tons of stuff I just don't have the space or the money to buy real turntables and records, and I believe its better to practice with inexpensive equipment first to learn the basics. The skills will transfer over easily I'm sure.
Currently Listening To: Kid Koala/Some of my best friends are DJ's
Beasty Boys/Hello Nasty
Deltron 3030
Currently Playing: Borderlands, Soul Calibur