Sunday, February 26, 2012

Push-And-Pull-Able blocks!

One of my mechanics for my Game Design Class is the ability to push and pull blocks for physics puzzles. And I did! Now i just have to make it break apart on impact with the ground. Fun!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Final High Poly Character

For those who don't know, my character is a Sci-Fi B-Movie Spaceman. His name is Johann Smith, he has an IQ of 179, and he shares a birthday with William Shatner. He has a doctorate in Astrophysics, a Doctorate in Xenobiology, a Masters in Engineering, and a Minor in Theatre.

Here He is:

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Lego Rube Goldburg Project

So here is my finished Rube Goldburg UDK Machine. Fun! I would like to modify this and get it so i don't lose any balls and everything works perfectly. More work is sure to come!