Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mega Art Post! A look at what I've been doing at Ringling.

 Above: The map I made in illustrator for the layout of my level. This is a very early sketch, as you will see below I added quite a bit to it. It still seems to be a reasonable size, I'll be able to manage.
 Above: This is just one of the many screenshots I took for my level. Its in the "greyboxing stage" meaning that it is a bunch of boxes that don't usually have texture on them. However, so we could start getting an overall feel of the level, we started to add colors and terrain etc. This shot shows the vertical aspect of the map, as mine is a platformer this is necessary.  Note: the Blue figure is one I found in UDK's content, as a sort of place holder for a sculpture that will sculpted by another student.
 Above: Another shot showing the scale of the eventual statue and a look at a different angle of the map. The green box will be a dumpster that the player will be able to use to jump to the other buildings.
 Above: A quick shot of the temple, and another pathway up above. The temple, as it seems, will be entirely sculpted by me, and by sculpted I mean I will make all the modular pieces that will go onto it, so that I can put it in my portfolio as completely my work.
 Above: Just another cool looking shot.
 Above: Concept for the aforementioned temple. The blue will be a glowing substance called Cantfinditonearthium that glows naturally when exposed to the planets atmosphere. The brown is a copper/bronze like metal found on the asteroid the people live on. The top temple area will be an altar where sacrifices could be made, also where the player starts.
 Above: This is a sketch for a fire escape I will apparently be building in Maya, the writing shows that the pieces will be able to be reused for mulitple purposes. The top sketch is the walk way and fire escape path, which can also be used to end a hand railing. The other pieces will be new, but can be reused for other purposes.
Above: This is the fountain area, another piece I will be sculpting, and it shows how the people will get their water.
 Above: This is another look at the fountain, also a brief idea of a cornis that will line the top of my temple and also can be reused as a capitol and a base for a column. The main drum of the column can be reused to work as a standalone sculpture/obelisk or can be used for any other purpose the level designer sees fit.

Currently Listening To: Fooly Cooly Soundtrack(The Pillows)
Currently Playing: God of War 1, Unreal Tournament III, Mirror's Edge

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