Friday, October 14, 2011

A Brave New Art-Post: Some more of the Crazy, Wacky stuff I do at Ringling

So, besides falling epically ill, with some sort of flu or cold or whatever, and then beating it proficiently my last few weeks have created some cool little pieces of art/game design. We just finished our Modular Building project, which was the project where we as a class each build every piece that someone needs to build a building. I built this really cool stuff. Here's some process!

This is the start of my UVing, adding texture to 3D models, this is where I still have this really, really bad looking door in there. I modeled all of this in a few days, and the models are relatively simple but really cool looking, in my opinion.

This is my door, the bad one, brought into udk and lit with nightime lighting. Its UV's, and Diffuse Maps, Normal Maps, and Specular maps in place. Apparently we weren't allowed to use wood for our texture.... And this is a particularly disgusting texture(this of course speaking in hindsight, as I thought this was a totally awesome idea at the time)
This is my slightly modified textured models, and the door is in its place. Something seems out of place.... I wonder what it is? Maya however, makes the colors and textures look a little different when it doesn't fully render. In Unreal Development Kit my textures always look different. So lets see what this stuff will look like in UDK!

..... At this point(also after our in class crit) it became apparent to me that this door was just not working. To quote GLaDOS, "The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one." The door, the source of a lot of my problem and grief, has got to go.
Not only does its replacement look more like the rest of my building, but it just looks pretty good. All on its own. There are a few problems I still have to fix, but its coming along smoothly.
This is my latest version of my uv'd building. I built a small building in UDK with Midday lighting using my kit. Looks pretty good so far. Lots of problems still, need to fix a few UV's and how door pieces fit together etc...
 Some sketches for my Board Game Mod in Game Design 1. These are cards that the players will pick up. Just sketches for now...

These are all the "Playtesting Kit" cards we'll be using. I like them, the final ones will probably have the same layout, but not the look. So far, so good.

Playing: N/A
Listening: Sabaton - Metalizer, Wintersun - Wintersun

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